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Playing with Mirrors


Your support means everything to us. Every donation helps fund our efforts to promote clean air in our community. To make a donation, simply select the donation option below. Thank you for being part of our mission!

We are a registered 501(c)(3) so all donations are
tax deductible.

Order Merch or Recurring Donation

There is strength in numbers. The more people we can rally to our cause the better so order some merch and help spread the word!



One-Time Cash Donation

All donations go toward expenses associated with fighting J7 Ready Mix and their Rendon concrete batch plant. 



Other Donation Options

Cash App:



Zelle Email: 

and where the first name goes put "Green Air Solutions"



Makes checks payable to Green Air Solutions

Mail to:

124 Oak Trail

Burleson TX 76028  

(please do not send cash via mail)

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